Tuesday, January 1, 2008

new years!

WE went to a friends of mine house for new years last night. A family party that started at 8... So, we thought we would go, stay until 10, then head home and put the kids to bed... WE stayed til 1, and the boys ran strong the whole time! we finally got everyone to bed around 130, and T was up by 620 ready for the day, with everyone else getting up before 7. I was so surprised that they didn't sleep in at all.... Overall though, we had a great, safe time ringing in the new years and hope everyone else did as well! ok. so new years means resolutions, and here are mine:
Family: to cut non-student loan debt by 50%
to teach the boys tennis, and spend more time as a family playing sports and being active (we have been such bums lately...)

personal: to lose 5 pounds
to cut all soda (big deal! end of day 1, doing great!)
to catch up my scrapbooks (i am 199 months behind, not even counting mine and johns childhood albums)
to be more patient w/ the boys by planning ahead better and not rushing them as often

ok, off to watch football!


  1. You people are PAR-TAY animals! Aint no party like a Schwartz party cause a Schwartz party don't stop!!!!

    *sigh* I loved seeing your sweet kiddos in the photos...Amy, you look so cute...I like your sassy little haircut. Your husband is so hot...seriously...heh...heh...heh..keepin' it in the family...that's my motto...okay, that was sick...my new year's resolution is not to be such a sicko...but, my brother is handsome!

  2. Love the resolutions.... Just by cutting the soda out, the 5 pounds will go quickly. Great ideas!

  3. I know, I know...my kids' first day back to school was today and Mike has been home too, so I have been having to share the computer with all of these people! I will post again, soon. Patience grasshoppa'...
    luv ya!

  4. Amy, I love your blog. I stumbles upon it from Melanie's. Van is soooo big now. And potty training him at 2. You are very ambitious. Jack will be 2 in March and I am not ready to tackle that one yet. Good luck!! How is school going for John? How are you surviving? Take care!

  5. It looks like you guys had a ball! Wish we could've been there with you! :)

  6. Your resolutions sound so nice. They're actually mine too, I just haven't written them down.

    As for Amy... she's fine. They can't explain why she went into labor so early. All was healthy with the placenta and such. Charlotte came out screaming and has been quite strong since. Amy's milk has come in, so she's able to help nourish her - which will make all the difference in the world. We're just hoping the little cutie will be able to get home before too long.

    Amy went home yesterday and is planning to get some pics of the baby on her blog soon.

    Email me anytime at

  7. way to party! I went to bed early. I'm a loser...I know. I totally get the whole potty training torture methods too. As you've done it several times...I'm trying to catch up. Calvin started wetting his pants again after being fully trained. sigh. my days sound like yours! cute pictures and fun kids....
